When you are running a business, small, medium or large, the more staff you employ, the higher the risk of you falling foul of these complex regulations.
Many larger companies have the benefit of a HR Department, updating them on all the laws and regulations. They also have trade unions who can help employees through the rights and protection they are entitled to.
Middle sized companies may well have the same resources but it’s the smaller companies with up to around 50 employees that very often struggle to keep up to date with new regulations that they must abide by.
It is unlikely that many Company Directors running their business, large, medium or small would be able to know all the new rules and regulations they are expected to adhere to when employing staff and for this reason all Company Directors should consider doing the following:
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) provides protection in respect of legal costs and expenses, as well as court awards for a wide range of employment practice violations including unfair dismissal or discrimination on grounds of sex, race, disability, religion, belief or sexual orientation. It also covers questionable or unfounded allegations which can be just as costly to defend. EPLI covers the whole company or organisation, whereas a directors and officers liability policy only covers certain individuals within the company. Employment law claims are generally made against the company as a whole, although on occasions individuals may also be pursued.
Contact one of our experienced brokers on +44 (0) 1323 648000 or e-mail us at info@professionalinsuranceagents.co.uk to discuss your insurance requirements further.
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